Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Another Rock and Roll Christmas - Garry Glitter backing track and lyrics here

Christ-mas, Christ-mas, Christ-mas...
Light the light, ring the chant
Come on in it's par-ty time

Raise a glass for auld lang syne
Come on and rock it up for all man kind

Good to see friends I know
kis-sin' un-der the mis-tle-toe

I love to hear the child-ren sing
It looks like San-ta's gon-na bring

A-noth-er rock and roll - Christ-mas
A-noth-er Christ-mas rock and roll
Pres-ents hang-ing from the trees

You'll nev-er guess
what you've got from me

A-noth-er rock and roll - Christ-mas
A-noth-er Christ-mas rock and roll

You bet-ter hold each oth-er tight
You nev-er know it might snow to-night

Guys and Gals stay up late
So ex-cit-ed they can't wait
Let there be peace on Earth

Come on and rock and roll
for all you're worth

We're gon-na laugh, hah,
We're gon-na sing
We're gon-na make the raf-ters ring

Pull my crack-er, let me be
the sil-ver star up-on your tree

A-noth-er rock and roll - Christ-mas
A-noth-er Christ-mas rock and roll

All dressed up so here we go
Do I hear sleigh-bells on the snow?

A-noth-er rock and roll - Christ-mas
A-noth-er Christ-mas rock and roll

To-night old San-ta nev-er gon-na stop
He rocks a-bove the chim-ney tops

And you'll be rock-ing
in your stock-ing
When you see your big sur-prise

'Cause I'll be rock-ing
in your stock-ing
You won't be-lieve your big blue eyes

Come on in and join the fun
It's Christ-mas time for eve-ry-one

May - your days be mer-ry and bright
This ain't gon--na be no si-lent night

I see the stars a glit-ter-in'
Soon they're gon--na see the new year in

No one's com-ing, kiss me quick
Come on and rock and roll for old St Nick

A-noth-er rock and roll - Christ-mas
A-noth-er Christ-mas rock and roll
Pres-ents hang-ing from the trees

You'll nev-er guess
what you've got from me

A-noth-er rock and roll - Christ-mas
A-noth-er Christ-mas rock and roll

You bet-ter hold each oth-er tight
You nev-er know it might snow to-night

Christ-mas, Christ-mas, Christ-mas,
It's Christ-mas
A-noth-er rock and roll - Christ-mas

A-noth-er Christ-mas rock and roll
All dressed up so here we go
Do I hear sleigh-bells on the snow?

A-noth-er rock and roll - Christ-mas
A-noth-er Christ-mas rock and roll

To-night old San-ta nev-er gon-na stop
He rocks a-bove the chim-ney tops

A-noth-er rock and roll - Christ-mas
A-noth-er Christ-mas rock and roll
Pres-ents hang-ing from the trees

You'll nev-er guess
what you've got from me

A-noth-er rock and roll - Christ-mas
A-noth-er Christ-mas rock and roll

You bet-ter hold each oth-er tight
You nev-er know it might snow to-night



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